
A Commentary on the Confession of Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

In A Commentary on the Confession of Faith, Hodge analyzes each chapter and section of entire Westminster Confession, offering proofs of its necessity and illustrations of its application. This volume is intended both to facilitate and stimulate study of the Westminster Confession—designed for Presbyterians, but accessible and useful for everyone. Hodge begins with a short history of the creeds...

rationalists, viz.: that the light of nature, when legitimately used, is perfectly sufficient of itself to lead men to all necessary knowledge of God’s being, nature and purposes. Some German rationalists, while admitting that a supernatural revelation has been given in the Christian Scriptures, yet insist that its only office is to illustrate and enforce the truths already given through the light of nature, which are sufficient in themselves, and need re-enforcement only because they are ordinarily
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